Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Legoland Review

At the beginning of the year my mother in law had saved up vouchers from the times newspaper. It meant that we could go online and gain tickets for £10 each. We had to select a date then and there. Of course, as soon as we set a date for anything, something goes wrong.  Of course both myself and Harry had tonsillitis. He was battling a fever and was crazy tired. The evening before Gav had tried to message and call them, but it was past working hours. Everyone we spoke to thought we’d have no trouble moving it. Unfortunately when we finally got to speak to someone 10am the following day they said we’d need to pay a transfer fee of £15 per ticket. Obviously that made no sense paying more than the ticket price, and knowing our luck we’d have issues on the next date. 

We decided that even if we went for an hour, and Ollie and Gav could do stuff we’d try it. We had an emergency doctors appointment for Harry at 10.40, so we didn’t even get to the park until afternoon. 

Firstly it’s £7 to park the car 😳 then we walked in and walked the park anti-clockwise. We got on the spider spin, and then walked to dragons apprentice, knights quest, pirate falls, Lego ninja.. all were closed for maintenance.  Thankfully the next one wasn’t closed otherwise we were on the brink of a full on toddler and mummy breakdown. Unfortunately it seemed quite the theme of the day. The rain didn’t start until around 3pm so it wasn’t for weather reasons either.

Harry was an Angel. We knew he was poorly when he chose to stay in his buggy 🙁 He did get out at the rides, and was carried on and off. They had a good time on the things we could do. 

My favourite was the Atlantis Submarine. We got the pod to ourselves, and honestly I was expecting it to be screens. Gavin’s favourite was the coastguard HQ, and the boys adored the 3-5 L-Drivers. I think Gav and I were stunned that they did it. 

Between the weather, feeling poorly and a lot of the rides being closed I came away feeling ripped off. If I had of spent £50 per person I would have gone mental! Maybe one day we will return to check out the rides that weren’t accessible, but I’d certainly be looking for vouchers! 

Check out our vlog of the day...

Thank you for reading ❤️

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry the day didnt go as planned! I hope your all feeling better and I'm glad your tickets weren't full priced 🙈
