Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Our Booking In Appointment (15 Mar '16)

My morning sickness was now in full swing. Gav picked me from work, and handed me a bottle of water. As quick as I was putting it in, I was throwing it back up again. I had my stash of nappy sacks in my handbag, and I certainly needed them. Gavin found a bin in the carpark to dispose of my sick.

I took the stairs as the idea of throwing up with others in a lift was horrendous!  I remember walking up to the desk to check in, and without having a say a word the reception said "Oh my goodness, are you okay? Please sit!" She sat me down, and checked me in, whilst Gavin explained how sick I had been. We had to walk across the corridor to the waiting room. I was still feeling extremely nauseous and had a stinking cold and chest infection! I was sick in the waiting room. I'd like to pretend I was embarrassed, but I felt too ill to care. We had our one to one with a midwife. She was a bit thrown by the fact we already knew we were having MCDA twins. Gavin came with a host of questions, whilst I used the wall behind my chair to prop me up. She realised I was really struggling, and arranged some anti-sickness medication.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Clubs To Join Now You're Pregnant #Freebies

Firstly congratulations on your news! When I first found out I was expecting I trawled the internet to find the coupons and freebies, so I thought this compact list may be of help. 

Please be aware that all the following companies come with a LOT of emails. I set up a new email specifically for these emails.

You are able to print out 3 vouchers to take with you to Argos or Boots to collect your packs.

Mine included items like; 
Pampers new born nappy and £1 off voucher
Johnsons baby wipes
Nursing pads
Nappy rash cream 
Non-bio pod and fabric softener sachet
Dr beckmann colour catcher sheets
Cocoa butter formula skin oil
Johnson's samples

You get your first pack from midwife at booking in appointment (roughly 10 weeks).  My pack included; Sudocrem, Comfort pure sachet and Persil non-bio sachet, and a 7 day supply of Pregnacare multi-vitamins. 

You are then given another the following day after giving birth. And another gift box via the app.

I'd also highly recommend downloading the apps. One goes through week by week updates

You'd be mad not to sign up for this! Via your advantage card account online, add the baby club. They send money off vouchers every three months. Each time you get a voucher for a free item. Including a free pack of 30 pregnancy tablets worth £3.50, a Mam bottle and dummy worth £6.99, an Ella's Kitchen weaning book worth £5.99, and a Nuby bottle.  I was also sent a free spoon through the post for joining the club.

You can also double them up with your usual savings, making the discounts even better.

  • Hipp Baby Club - We were sent a trial jar of food, just for signing up!
  • Aptaclub - Breast feeding advice and more...
  • Ella's Kitchen - You are sent a weaning chart, and lots of weaning information.
  • SMA Baby Club - Then send you a beautiful personalised letter and baby book.
  • Pampers - They have printable vouchers for nappies online. Then when you've brought them, be sure to download the app!
  • Babies R Us - They send money off vouchers through the post. I had issues registering online, so I'd recommend picking up an application in store. 
  • Mothercare - Offers and products, particularly good for large purchases (e.g. £20 off £100)
  • Mother & Baby - Emails with articles on parenting, and lifestyle
  • Babycentre - Baby update emails, and let you know about special baby events/ offers on with other shops.
  • NCT - Baby update emails, and information on workshops on in your area.
  • Your baby club - Daily competition entry to win a box of goodies! They give away 200 every day. I only had to enter 15-20 times and won. 
  • Pregnancy + app - I found this the best app available.  There is a free version, but I really regretted not paying from the beginning, as the extra information would have been useful along the way.