Friday, 28 June 2019

Review of the GroClock

Since the clocks sprung forward we've really battled with getting the boys to stay in bed until a reasonable hour of the morning. After speaking to a couple of friends, I was recommended the 'Gro Clock'. We've had their Egg and Bags since the boys came out of special care, so I was already aware of the brand and a lover.

It’s a simple concept, of the owl image showing blue when it’s sleep time and yellow when it’s tome to get up. Of course you set the times that work for you and your family.

We've had it for 4 weeks now. It took them about 3 days to get used to it, and then it really clicked. Then we had them poorly for a week, and then we were away on holiday for a week, so we've had to readjust since getting back. 

Overall I think it's brilliant. It’s fairly priced too. It's so funny how 6.55AM and 7:05AM can make such a mental difference. At the beginning the boys were getting up at 5am, and now we’re at 7am. I now just need to find a product that keeps them asleep during the night now!

We were kindly gifted this product in return for an honest review. My views are my own.


  1. Sounds like a great idea!

  2. We have the gro egg and its brilliant! Especially in this hot weather. I will definitely be investing in the gro clock too, when hes a bit bigger, it sounds brilliant.

  3. I always meant to get one of these for Dylan but never got round to it, will definitely be getting one this time!!
