Wednesday 12 December 2018

Our Children's Bathroom Essentials

I love being nosey and watching peoples favourites videos. I'm not confident enough for YouTube, so here's our faves..

Kneeling Pad
I'm sure as parents Gav and I aren't alone when we say our knees have taken a hammering! We started with a cheap poundshop kneeling pad, but when we saw this one with a little more cushion and more aptly themed for the kids, we picked it up.

Bath Mat
The boys still insist in standing up in the bath, so we still use a bath mat. It has a great water temperature indicator built in.

We have a tiny bathroom, but we do have two stools so the boys can clean their teeth at the same time. The arguments just aren't worth it, but they stack inside each other when not in use.

I'm not going to lie, these potties are expensive, but they look like a mini throne. The boys just seem really comfortable on them. They are really sturdy, and the middle bit lifts out to empty and clean.

Toothbrushes/ Holder
It's no secret that the boys LOVE their BrushBaby toothbrushes. They have a really cool light up facility, which makes in super easy for me to clean their teeth, and check the back of their gums.

Toys & Toy Storage 
A little while ago I posted on my insta-story my frustration of a certain brands suction toy holder not working. And it seems I wasn't alone. I finally came across the perfect solution. The Ikea Waste Sorting Bin. It has a solid base, but large ventilated holes throughout. And for us it was even more perfect, as it fits perfectly in the gap between our bath and sink basin.