Saturday, 24 August 2019

The Boys Start Nursery Haul #BackToSchool

Although the boys haven't turned 3 yet, they will on the 26th August and cut off for September start is 31st August. I'm in two minds. I'm excited to have 3 hours each day to get on with things. The boys are really needy. Everyone always thinks that because there is two of them they'll keep each other amused, but realistically they just fight none stop and want mummy. On the other hand, they were preemies, and if I'd gone full term they would intact be the year below. Their speech is delayed, and we've just embarked on the potty training journey. Also I'm going to miss them. I feel like I missed so much, when returning to work when they were 12 months - 26 months, so I'm still playing catch up!

I have been able to keep my mind busy in shopping for the big life event, so I thought I'd put together a little list of the bits we've either brought or been gifted.

These name bands are brilliant. I can move them from bottle to bottle, and easily marked for the teachers #gifted

On the topic of naming things. Stickets have thought of everything, and I don't have to sew any of them! #gifted

They have bought out a Tiny Tinc range, with backpacks, lunch boxes, and drinks bottles perfect for their size #gifted

Deichmann are offering an amazing buy one get one half price on all school shoes! Seriously amazing :) #gifted

The boys require indoor shoes, and these are perfect! #gifted

The boys don't have to wear the school uniform, but I'd like them to have as much as possible. 

At Aldi I picked up...

Socks £1.99 for 5 pairs.
Blue polo shirts £1.75 for 2.

Then they have a sweatshirt each with their school logo on. 

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