Saturday, 8 September 2018

What the boys got for their 2nd birthday

I'm not one to have a huge pile of gifts for the boys, and most were picked up throughout the year when on sale etc. 

The Amazon fire was their big present. When growing up our more extravagant gifts were given at Christmas, and usually I’d say I will check to that logic, but Amazon prime day came around that it was too much of a good deal to miss out on. They may be a little young, but in just a couple of weeks they have grasped how to use it better than I have.
Look at them helping each other 😍

Other gifts included:

  • ELC My first Till (Currently on sale for £7.67!) It offers numbers 1-4, colours, and 4 simple foods. The boys love it. 
  • Little Tikes Cash register - £11 or 2 for £15 at Argos! The best thing we've brought, honestly! This thing keeps them quiet for ages. 
  • Wooden blocks - Very simple, but we only just felt comfortable with them not killing each other with them. 
  • Pairs game. Simple words and pictures to encourage their vocabulary. 
  • Weber BBQ - To be daddies mini me's! We wish we'd brought two though, as the arguments have been unbearable. 

Personalised Costco cake £16.99 (HUGE)
Mickey Mouse cupcakes from @hertfordcakesco #gifted
Personalised banner from the @partypieces
Personalised letter box cake from @bakerdays #gifted
The boys tucking into the party food waiting for the guests to arrive. Yes it rained,  but it was still an amazing day!